Mesiac: marec 2019
Brazílske Jiu-Jitsu pre ženy

Brazílske Jiu-Jitsu je skvelý šport aj pre ženy a dievčatá. Prispejete tým k vášmu sebavedomiu 🤼♀️, vymakate si postavičky 💪 a nájdete vnútorný pokoj, harmóniu 😇 🧘♀️ a zažijete kopec srandy 🤙😉 @genkikanba.
Neváhaj a príď si vyskúšať. Tešíme sa na Teba 🙂
On photo – Mackenzie Dern
BJJ Intensive camp in Wagrain

This weekend we were attendig a competition oriented BJJ camp (BJJ intensive CAMP) organized by #ibjja in the beatiful scenery of Austrian alps! Plenty of useful seminars with different professors from all over the world and even more rollings took place! #bjj#grappling#bjjintensivecamp#bjjcamp#competitionpreparation#lotofrollings#genkikanba#bratislava#slovakia @ Wagrain, Salzburg, Austria

UAEJJF GI Austria National Pro results!

– Kati Kovanova @warriorka 🥇 open weight class, 🥈 in weight class 63 – 70kg!
– Samo Luky @samuel_luky 🥇 in adult class 95-110kg. He is freshly 17 years old but competed in adult division as no juveniles were in his weight category!
– Ado Takac @adriantbjj 🥈 in 86 – 94kg. First match finished in 40s by ezekiel choke!
– Filo Slovak – 2 excellent wins in 69-77kg but finally no place as he had 30 competitors in his class!
– Leandro Loriga no place in 77-85kg brown belt division and he lost against excellent pro bjj fighter from Brasil: Guthiery Barbosa who won this division and the open class as well!
Congratulations to all of the team to being here and make their best! OSS!
#bjj #grappling #competition #fightforall #goodresults #teamwork #goodvibes #bratislava #slovakia @uaejjf #genkikanba #champions